"Wind Hunter", Belinda Liversedge, Extract from "The Mocaco Yacht Show Editor's Picks", September 2013


"Wind Hunter", Belinda Liversedge, Extract from "The Mocaco Yacht Show Editor's Picks", September 2013


"The Wind Hunter at Monaco Yacht Show" - Yello and Finch Website - August 2013


“Preying on the Wind", Andrew Johansson , extract from The Superyacht Owner, 01.2013

“Preying on the Wind", Andrew Johansson , extract from The Superyacht Owner, 01.2013

“Wind Hunter", Steve Davis , extract from Dockwalk, 01.2013

"Air Boundaries et Wind Hunter, des architectures de l'air", Michele Boni, extract from  Fabula 2012

"Air Boundaries et Wind Hunter, des architectures de l'air", Michele Boni, extract from  Fabula 2012

"Air Boundaries et Wind Hunter, des architectures de l'air", Michele Boni, extract from  Fabula 2012

"Comfort Bubble", Michele Boni, extract from "Air", MIT Press, 2011

"Comfort Bubble", Michele Boni, extract from "Air, MIT Press, 2011

"Comfort Bubble", Michele Boni, extract from "Air, MIT Press, 2011

"Comfort Bubble", Michele Boni, extract from "Air, MIT Press, 2011

"Comfort Bubble", Michele Boni, extract from "Air, MIT Press, 2011

"Comfort Bubble", Michele Boni, extract from "Air, MIT Press, 2011

"Comfort Bubble", Michele Boni, extract from "Air, MIT Press, 2011

"Fedora o Dello Spazio Felice, a Partire Dalle Frontieres d'air di Michele Boni" (Epilogue), extract from Leggere la Citta, Fiorenza Gamba, Liguori Editore 2011

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